Before and After School Care
FUN-A-RAMA – Frederick Irwin Anglican School Halls Head Campus and Frederick Irwin Anglican School Meadow Springs Campus
FUN-A-RAMA offers out of school hours care every morning and afternoon as well as all day during the school holidays.
The program that they offer consists of afternoon tea, crafts, games, sports, homework and computer/play station areas also a fantastic fun filled holiday program full of excursions and activities.
FUN-A-RAMA is a member of the National Childcare Accreditation Council and also offers Childcare Benefits (CCB).
Please contact Fun-A-Rama directly if you are interested in the Before, After and Vacation Care that they offer. Visit their website here.
If you still require further information from Frederick Irwin Anglican School, please contact the Main Administration Office on (08) 9537 0000.