A Message from Head of Primary - Halls Head Campus, Issue 04

Newsletter - Executive Wednesday, 13 Mar 2024

Dear Parents and Caregivers

The school year is flying by and it is already the end of Term 1! We have had an amazing term so far, with many engaging opportunities for our students.

Halls Head Campus Building Project

We are very excited to see the commencement of the Halls Head Building Project with the fence now in place around the area where the new Early Learning Centre and Administration block will be built. This project marks a significant milestone in our school's infrastructure development. As Mrs Gray said in her email to families, this project will provide our students with enhanced facilities to support their learning and extracurricular activities.

Year 5 Camp

In Week 5, I spent Thursday afternoon and evening with the Year 5s at their camp at Point Walter Recreation Centre. I thoroughly enjoyed my visit, including having a turn on the awesome zipline! It was lovely seeing our students interact with the Meadow Springs Year 5 students, forming friendships, sharing positive experiences, and making wonderful memories. I witnessed lots of laughter, enjoyment, and accomplishments. Well done to all of our students, for demonstrating the core values of courage and responsibility throughout the camp, and thank you to our amazing, dedicated staff for their commitment and care and for encouraging our students to set and achieve personal goals. I particularly want to thank Mr Liam O’Shaughnessy for all of his organisation in coordinating such a successful camp.

Eco Committee

Our Eco Committee is now up and running for 2024. This year, a group of enthusiastic Year 3 to 6 students, led by Mr James Johns, will be implementing some new sustainability initiatives. Congratulations to Coralie Telfer who has been selected as our Year 6 student leader for the Eco Committee. We look forward to supporting these dedicated students throughout the year as they bring their ideas and passion and set about making a difference at our campus in the important area of sustainability.

Kind regards and best wishes

Sue Kirke

Head of Primary – Halls Head Campus