A Message from the School Chaplain

Newsletter - Executive Monday, 11 Mar 2024

We are approaching the end of Term 1, and the blistering heat of the summer is fading from our memory. We turn our attention to the end of Lent and the great feast of Easter. I trust you are keeping a good Lent, and have taken time to reflect amid the busyness in your life.

Easter gives us a chance to pause and regroup, to perhaps spend a few days on holiday, or enjoying the beach. It is also a time for us to consider the amazingly positive message at the heart of the Christian faith, that good prevails over disaster.

It is important that we hold on to this truth, not only because it is important, but that it provides a vaccine against the bad news that can otherwise overwhelm us. As we consider the hurt that humanity can inflict, it is important to remember the love, the care and the compassion which is shown by one person to another.

The Easter story shows us that evil does not triumph, that violence does not prevail, that anger and hurt are misguided. The Easter story shows us that hope, and love and compassion win out in the end, and we must live as if this were true. When we act in love, and hope and compassion we win, and evil does not.

I pray that as we approach Easter, you will reflect on that truth, and believe that truth, and act on that truth. And you will then know the truth, and it will set you free.

Canon James Tabor

School Chaplain