Alternative to Canberra Week Program
During Week 6, Year 6 students from both campuses who did not attend the Canberra Tour joined together for some wonderful learning experiences. They had the opportunity to visit the State Parliament House, The Education Centre and Kings Park War Memorial. At Parliament House they enacted passing a bill, with some students taking on the speaking role of local politicians. Following a refreshing break in the courtyard, they then spent time touring the building interiors and admiring the Parliament House extensive art collection, representing who we are as a state and how we have evolved over time.
At the Electoral Education Centre, students learnt about the voting system and engaged with the different interactive displays. After a short bus journey and lunch they were given time to explore the magnificent Kings Park Garden. Spending time at the War Memorial was a highlight of the day, giving students the opportunity to reflect on the State War Memorial Cenotaph, commemorating Western Australian servicemen and women who died in service or were killed in action through the various conflicts. The excursion also included a team building activity at the Kings Park Education Centre and this gave the students a chance to work closely together and use a variety of skills.
This year, students also went on an excursion to Scitech. They commenced in the Scitech Robotics lab where they learnt to use code to program their Ozbot to change speed and direction. They were then given time to visit the general exhibition area. This was full of interactive activities, challenges and anatomic dinosaurs. The final part of the excursion was a tour through space at the Scitech Planetarium. This was an incredible experience and the short film Moonbase ONE gave the students so much information about our moon.
The week concluded with a Bunnings incursion at Meadow Springs campus on the Friday. This involved cutting recycled milk cartons, filling them with potting mix and planting a variety of herbs. The ‘pots’ were then decorated with faces, using paint and markers, before putting them in a hanging string basket. What a great activity!
A huge thank you to Mrs Livingstone, Year 6 teacher at Meadow Springs campus, who organised these fantastic opportunities for the students.