Business Manager Updates - Issue 07, 2024 (School Newsletter)

Newsletter - Executive Wednesday, 15 May 2024

Dear Parents and Carers

2024 will be another year of continued progress for the School, with a number of new Building and Grounds projects already complete, in progress, or in the pipeline.

  1. Halls Head Development:

    Shelford (the Builders undertaking the project) are making good progress. They have completed site establishment, cleared the land, earthworks, inground services and retaining walls. We are pleased the project is on track and the Halls Head Leadership Team are busy planning the new playground and play areas with our highly skilled Grounds team.
  2. Marine Biology:

    The renovation is in its final stages and will be ready for the start of Term 3. The launch of this subject into the Secondary School curriculum has brought excitement and energy to both the Science Department and students. I would like to acknowledge the hard work of Mr Mark McFetridge (Head of Science) and Nigel Stewart (Science Teacher) to get this program up and running. Kane Kelly from Safeway Building (who is also a parent of students in the School) has completed the project and his team have been a pleasure to work with.
  3. Wellbeing Hub: The Wellbeing Hub was launched in Term 2 and has been a transformational project for the School, to support the mental health of our Secondary students. Phase 1 of the project involved renovating the space, alongside creating two new offices for Mrs Karen Watts (Deputy Head of Secondary Pastoral Care and Service) and Mrs Robyn Dixon (School Counsellor), so that they are permanently based in the Hub with the students. I would like to thank our highly skilled Maintenance Team who completed the refurbishment and Mrs Karen Watts, Mrs Emma Cristodero and Mrs Robyn Dixon for their planning.
  4. Science Mural:

    The Art Department has commissioned artist Phil Doncon to work with the Year 11 students on two large mural walls for our Science block. This project will bring colour and energy to the block and will give the students a sense of achievement. I would like to thank Mrs Emma Nici (Art Teacher) for her planning on this new initiative benefiting the students and the School.
  5. New Bench Seating and Umbrellas:

    The quad area in the Secondary School will soon feature a collection of colourful new bench seats and umbrellas. The quad space will be developed overtime to give the secondary students an area to gather and connect.
  6. Primary Learning Enrichment Spaces:

    Two new learning enrichment spaces have been renovated at the Meadow Springs Primary Campus by our Maintenance Team. These spaces give students the ability to work in small groups to further their learning, supported by the installation of new technology into the spaces.

You can find out more about the Halls Head and Marine Science Building updates here.

Kind regards

Trent Costelow

Business Manager