Chaplain's Newsletter - Issue 07, 2024 (School Newsletter)

Newsletter - Executive Tuesday, 14 May 2024

Dear Parents and Carers

I am writing this on the Feast of St Mathias. He was elected by lot to replace Judas, who had betrayed Jesus and was no longer welcome among the disciples.

It must have been a strange time to join the leadership team of the Christian Church; Jesus was dead, and yet to resurrect. The leaders were in hiding, assailed on every side by the political and religious elites. It must have seemed like the definition of the “poisoned chalice” to be raised from obscurity to historic significance.

To his credit, St Matthias held firm to his beliefs and took his place amongst Jesus followers. They would all have been very uncertain about the next few days, or weeks. As things changed; first with the resurrection, and then with the growing influence of the new religion in the world, it must have seemed that Matthias’ trust in Jesus was well found.

In our own lives we are sometimes called to hold firm to the course, and to have the courage of our convictions. Sometimes the road ahead is not straight, or is uncertain. But we know that to have faith is to be assured of the best outcome, and that what seems hopeless might prove to be amazing.

Canon James Tabor

School Chaplain