Deputy Head of Primary - Halls Head (Issue 09, 2023)

Newsletter - Executive Monday, 19 June 2023

Dear Parents and Carers

I would like to share with you some detail about the wonderful contributions being made to our school by our Year 6 student leaders.

This week, our House Captains, Lucy Conkling, Flynn Cullen, Taksh Reetwal, Shelby McAuliffe, Leonie Archer, and Ben Tearle, enjoyed a wonderful opportunity, joining Dawesville MLA, Lisa Munday, for lunch at Parliament House. The students are commended for the outstanding manner in which they conducted themselves as ambassadors for Frederick Irwin Anglican School.

All of our Year 6 students have been doing a fantastic job in their leadership roles, making a great contribution to the School by organising and running fun games at lunchtime on Monday, Wednesday, and Friday. They promote the games days on the School intercom, and these games days have been well-received by students, with many choosing to join in during their lunch break. Every Friday lunchtime, House Captains take turns in donning a vest and assisting as ‘Friends of the Playground,’ helping younger children and looking out for anyone who needs assistance or a friend.

Our Mandurah Junior Councillors, Lena Walters and Andrew Guo, are enjoying the opportunity to get to know student leaders from every school in Mandurah as they learn more about our local government and work together on their chosen project for the year. This year the Junior Council have chosen vaping as the issue they feel is the most important to address for young people in Mandurah. They recently had a visit from Tania Gigg from SDERA, who spoke with them on the subject of vaping and its potential warning signs and dangers. The Mandurah City Council Youth Development Officer facilitates all meetings and works with the students to develop their leadership and public speaking skills.

Our Arts Captain, Scarlett Day, ably assisted by her enthusiastic peers, has been very proactive and creative in running a visual arts club every Tuesday and an acting club every Wednesday. This week the art focus was learning to draw dragons, and the drama club involved an acting game called ‘Why are you late?”! 

As you will see from the photo, they are getting a good turnout of students from Years 1-6 at the lunchtime clubs.

Sports Captain, Michael Boonzaaier, has also been very active, assisting Mrs Fazzolari whenever needed and speaking at assemblies to help promote House spirit and sporting events. This week he spoke about the Running Club, the upcoming Inter-House Cross-Country Carnival, and the Year 5 and 6 Lightning Carnival to be held on Friday of Week 9. Flynn Cullen has also been actively promoting and running a Chess Club on Thursday lunchtime in the Library.

We are blessed to have such a wonderful group of young leaders, and I feel privileged to be working with them.

Kind regards and best wishes
Sue Kirke