Deputy Head of Primary - Meadow Springs, Issue 06, 2024 (School Newsletter)

Newsletter - Executive Tuesday, 30 Apr 2024

Dear Parents and Carers

It was great to see some of you at Christ's Church Fete in Mandurah on Saturday. We all had a great time.

Term 2 started for myself and many of the Year 6s on Sunday 14 April when we headed to Canberra. What an experience that was, with so many highlights I'm at risk of omitting something cool! The National Arboretum was beautiful, with students tasked with an orienteering challenge. The days were jam packed, with parliamentary learning, and cultural appreciation, as well as science galore at Qestacon (yes I did do the freefall!) and a trip to the Australian Institute of Sport, where we met a good friend of mine, Bianca Netzler, former hockey Olympian. Having lived previously in Sydney for five years it was fabulous to swing past this awesome city on route to the airport. Well done to all our students who behaved so well, and to the staff who made it happen. I am informed the alternative camp was a huge success too, running parallel experiences including a visit to State Parliament.

Back at Meadow Springs we held an ANZAC service last Friday, hosted by the Year 6 Captains. As always it was a beautiful service. Many of us also joined the Mandurah ANZAC march on Thursday too. Thanks to those parents who enabled this to happen.

I continue to enjoy meeting my Captains each week, developing their leadership skills and looking at ways to add value to our school. We are also working with a group of dedicated students who wish to help others in the playground. These are our 'Friends of the Playground'. We have delivered our first training session and hope to receive our blue vests soon.

Other students continue to share their ideas with me, which has led to our Tuesday lunchtime club for change makers. Watch this space!

We have so much more happening this term - we'll keep you posted!

Jon Butcher

Deputy Head of Primary - Meadow Springs