From the Acting Deputy Head of Primary - Halls Head (Issue 13, 2023)

Newsletter - Executive Tuesday, 19 Sept 2023

Dear Parents and Carers

Looking back at these last weeks of Term 3, there have been so many opportunities for our students to learn, explore, celebrate and grow together.

Swimming lessons for Pre-Primary to Year 4 students taught children vital skills for living and surviving. Excursions such as the Year 2 Mandurah History excursion and the planned Year 5 visit to Fremantle Prison, allow exploration of the past and recognition of ways our lives are shaped by the stories of those that have lived before us.

Our Eco-Committee students participated in a Kids Teaching Kids Conference learning about sustainability, Kindergarten students performed their first ever assembly and Pre-Primary students worked with their families to build moving toys as a part of their Science program. Year 1 harvested their own-grown vegetable garden, prepared and cooked a delicious soup. Year 3 learnt how to present their learning in PowerPoint format in preparation for their ERP Expo, Year 4 were visited by Mayor Rhys Williams and became the first group to experience a sleepover in the Kwobadiny Sports Centre. 

In addition to all of this, there has been a Eucharist celebration of Harvest, IPSHA Speakers’ Challenges, APS Perth Primary Philosothon and our campus’ inaugural hosting of the PSSA Inter-School Athletics Carnival. In each of these events, our School representatives dug deep to display great courage through participation and made us all feel very proud of their conduct.

In this pause for reflection, my mind wandered over the many moments where our children brought their best selves to their opportunities. These incredible humans gave themselves over to new challenges, sometimes sitting with the discomfort of uncertainty, with the resultant experience being attaining new skills, sharing memory-making moments, growing through adversity and experiencing the joy of achievement. Thank you to everyone who made these opportunities possible, allowing children the space and time to grow.

Nat Burbage
Acting Deputy Head of Primary - Halls Head