Head of Primary - Halls Head Campus (Issue 11, 2024)

Newsletter - Executive Wednesday, 31 July 2024

Dear Parents and Carers

We have had a great start to Term 3! It is wonderful to be back ‘on board’ following my medical leave and I am excited about all of the wonderful learning opportunities planned for this Semester. I want to take this opportunity to thank Mrs Burbage for doing such an amazing job in filling my role as Head of Primary and leading the school in my absence. A huge thank you to Mrs Baker, Acting Deputy Head of Primary, and Mrs Bond, Acting Coordinator for K-6 for so capably taking on additional leadership roles and supporting our students, staff, and families. I feel very blessed and grateful to work with such a capable, strong, dedicated, and compassionate leadership team.

Over the past fortnight, the students have had the opportunity to work in small groups with Noongar Artist, Bianca Willder, contributing to the painting of the amazing Noongar Bonar mural, which depicts the six seasons and our House Group mascots. It is almost finished and ready to be mounted on the external wall of the Year 1 classroom, where it will be visible to the whole school and add vibrancy to our campus.

We were proud to host the annual Rotary 4-Way Test Year 6 public speaking event at Halls Head campus on Monday 29 July. This contest provides students with a platform to address a wider audience, building their confidence and self-esteem. The 4-Way Test serves as an ethical yardstick, asking these critical questions to apply in all we say, think and do: Is it the truth? Is it fair to all concerned? Will it build goodwill and better friendships? Will it be beneficial to all concerned? The contestants were required to speak for three minutes on a topic of their choosing, integrating the values of the 4-Way Test into their speech. Twelve Year 6 students from Frederick Irwin and Mandurah Baptist College participated in the competition. Cahill Baker and Jimmy Wong represented Halls Head campus with great aplomb. Cahill spoke on aerophobia, using an engaging strategy of asking the audience to fasten their seatbelts in preparation for the flight and Jimmy spoke on Sustainable Development Goals, presenting his speech in the form of an entertaining rhyming rap poem. Congratulations to all of the amazing participants and to Scarlett Kettle from 6M3 who won the contest.

On Wednesday 31 July, we held our Kindergarten Assembly and Book Week Dress-up Day. With students and staff all dressed as a favourite book character, it was a wonderful celebration of the joy of books and reading. Well done to all of the Kindergarten students who did a wonderful job, clearly demonstrating the core value of Courage. As part of the assembly, Dylan Cooper, 4H1, also presented a wonderful speech on Reading which he will be delivering at the annual IPSHA Speakers’ Challenge at Wesley College on Tuesday. We wish Dylan all the best.

Kind regards and best wishes

Sue Kirke
Head of Primary - Halls Head Campus