Head of Primary - Meadow Springs, Mr Noah Clark - Issue 05 School Newsletter, 2024

Newsletter - Executive Wednesday, 17 Apr 2024

Dear Parents and Carers


We have had a wonderful first two weeks of Term 2 and the students have already settled into our learning programmes. It has been a busy but rewarding start to the term and I want to let our parents know that I genuinely enjoy having a chat in the mornings and getting to know each family. I try hard to ensure that I’m approachable and I know that my leadership team feel the same way.


The Year 6 staff and students returned from Canberra exhausted but with positive and lasting memories. It was a pleasure to see the students reunited with their families at the airport and smiling as they began describing their experience. The Alternative programme was also very successful, and I know that students enjoyed their week of excursions and learning opportunities. I’m very pleased with how all of our students represented our school and thank our students and staff for their efforts. I particularly thank Mrs Goard for her organisation of Canberra and Mr Butcher and Mrs Burbage for their organization of the Alternative programme.

Professional Learning

At the beginning of the term, many of our staff participated in positive behaviour support training. As a school we are always committed to upskilling our staff and providing them with professional learning to support their students. This training is something that we will continue to offer to our staff to assist in providing a positive learning environment for all students.

Learning Journey

I would like to sincerely thank our families and students for participating in our Learning Journey on Tuesday. It was such a fantastic event and I was so impressed with the independence and enthusiasm that I saw students demonstrating. I also need to thank my amazing staff that made the afternoon possible by organising wonderful learning activities. We are committed to continuing to provide these community events and I’m so appreciative of everyone who worked together to make the learning journey successful.

ANZAC Service

Our Anzac service was a lovely opportunity for our students to reflect on the importance of the day and the sacrifices that our Service Members have made. Mr Butcher accompanied the student leaders to the ANZAC service in Mandurah and we are so proud of how our student leaders represented themselves and the school. Their leadership and maturity were on display.

Noah Clark

Head of Primary – Meadow Springs Campus