Head of Primary - Halls Head, Mrs Sue Kirke - Issue 05 School Newsletter, 2024

Newsletter - Executive Wednesday, 17 Apr 2024

Dear Parents and Caregivers

Welcome back to Term 2. I hope that everyone has had a wonderful break, with the opportunity to rest and recharge and spend some special time with family and friends.

The term is already off to a busy start, and it was wonderful to accompany the Year 6 students to Canberra for a week of learning and fun, including visits to Parliament House, National Museums, the Australian Mint, Exhibitions, the Australian War Memorial, and the Institute of Sport. During Week 1, others engaged in a range of great activities with the Year 6 Alternative Programme, involving excursions to Perth to visit the State Parliament, the Electoral Education Centre, Art Gallery, Perth Mint and AQWA. A huge thank you to all of the staff who organised and helped make both of these engaging programmes possible for our students.

We are excited that our building project for our new Early Years Centre and Administration building has now commenced, with significant progress over the school break. As I mentioned in my recent email to Halls Head families, we will be replanting many trees and creating beautiful grounds as part of the development. We are also planting and creating a wonderful outdoor space in the bushland north of the main car park. Classes will soon commence using this area of bush investigations.

Each term, we focus on particular Core Values across the whole School, and teachers discuss and ‘unpack’ these values in depth with students. This term, we will be focusing on Respect and Responsibility. Students will consider what each of these values means; what they look like, sound like, and feel like when put into practice; and the importance of these values in our lives.

Kind regards and best wishes

Sue Kirke

Head of Primary Halls Head