Message from the Principal, Issue 04 2024

Newsletter - Executive Wednesday, 27 Mar 2024

Dear Parents/Carers,

Where did Term 1 go? I have spoken to so many people who feel this has been such a fast term and they are right!! I really don’t know where the term has gone. Our students and staff have had an amazing term and I want to congratulate everyone for their work. It has been so wonderful to be at so many events and see the hard work and effort. We really are an incredible learning community.

Buildings and Grounds have worked incredibly hard this term and a big thank you to them all. Our building projects are well underway at Halls Head with the temporary fencing in place. Works will commence in the holiday period and more information will be provided in due course. Remember to share with your friends that we have space for enrolments in Kindergarten for 2025. Please don’t leave it too late as we are already booking up fast and I don’t want anyone to miss out. These works are part of a 10 year plan and we are excited for the development across the Primary School and what improvements will be created in time. A very exciting time for Halls Head.

At Meadow Springs our new Pre-Primary space is wonderful and the builders did a fantastic job. The gardens are looking lush and the new play road for the children is a great addition with zero road rage, unlike the freeway! The Meadow Springs Primary School is very blessed with space and with our third class moving through the Primary School will be able to be accommodated with no major building implications. There will be some minor renovations and some extra improvements to spaces in time; however, families do not need to worry about more buildings as we have enough! How lucky are we! Again, we are booking up for Kindergarten and Pre-Primary in 2025 and beyond so please refer your friends so they don’t miss out.

In the Secondary School we have begun the rejuvenation of spaces to complement our courses. The Marine Biology renovations have commenced with temporary fencing being erected and again we are excited for this project to be finished soon. The Wellbeing Hub for students is almost finished and again, this will be a fantastic space accommodating a range of students and will be where you will find Mrs Robyn Dixon our School Counsellor, Mrs Emma Cristodero our Learning Diversity Coordinator as well as Mrs Watts our Deputy Head of Secondary Pastoral Care and Service. Stay tuned for more information in Term 2. Our basketball courts have been opened with their new fresh surfaces and again, I thank our Business Manager, Trent Costelow and our Lead Groundsman, Mr Ian Bowes for their tremendous work.

There is so much to be thankful for at our school! Thank you to our staff and support staff for their hard work teaching our students across the school, to our Administration, Finance, ICT, Grounds and Facilities, Marketing, Canteen, Uniform Shop and Enrolments staff for their hard work and dedication. To our students for all your hard work, participation for working hard to demonstrate our values and to our wonderful families! Thank you for choosing our school for the education of your beautiful children. It is a blessing and I can’t wait for next term.

I wish you all a blessed Easter where we remember the sacrifice that Christ gave us and as you enjoy some time with your family over the break I wish you a blessed and relaxing time. If you are traveling please stay safe and we look forward to seeing you all at the start of Term 2.

God bless

Tracey Gray