Message from the Principal, Mrs Tracey Gray - Issue 05 School Newsletter, 2024

Newsletter - Executive Monday, 22 Apr 2024

Dear Parents and Carers

Welcome back to Term 2, 2024. I hope you all had a lovely Easter and enjoyed some time together over the holiday period.

This term is set to be a cracker with wonderful learning and activities galore planned. Make sure you keep up-to-date with the calendar as I know how busy life can get. Already we have had our Year 6 Students participate in the Canberra Camp and the Alternative Program. These were a great success and I congratulate all students for their fine representation of our School. I would also like to thank all the staff for their exceptional planning and care over the programs. The students had a ball and it was great to see the photos come through showing the fun and adventures. Well done!

Our Performing Arts Camp also took place last week and that was tremendous! The concert was packed to the rafters at Fairbridge Village and the quality of music was outstanding. I am always blown away by what they achieve in three days! They enjoyed every minute and parents loved the concert. Thank you to our talented Mrs Crutchett, Ms Tess Nicolls and our performing arts staff and tutors.

It is wonderful to see students positively coming back to school, looking smart and showing great pride in our school. We want to continue to build the culture of excellence in learning and high standards in uniform and presentation. This is a major factor in why parents choose our school so I thank everyone for their support and hard work. Our community notice these high standards as I regularly get phone calls from members of the public commending our students on their manners, smart presentation and excellent attitudes so it does make a difference.

This Saturday 27 April, 8.30am – 12.30pm we have the Christ’s Church Fete. This is our school church so we encourage all to come down and support our local church. Our students provide service at the Fete by supporting the set up and pack down as well as helping on the stalls. The cake stall in particular is a favourite so get there early! I hope to see you there.

We have much to be grateful for and I hope you have a wonderful term and look forward to seeing you at one of the many events.

God bless

Tracey Gray
