School Counsellor Chit Chat - Issue 06, 2024 (School Newsletter)

Newsletter - Executive Tuesday, 30 Apr 2024

Dear Parents and Carers

Seven reasons why removing screens before bedtime is valuable for school age children:

  1. Better Sleep:

    Exposure to the blue light emitted by screens can disrupt children's natural sleep patterns by suppressing the production of melatonin, the hormone that regulates sleep. Removing screens from bedtime routines allows bodies to connect naturally with the end of day cues that prepare us for the need to rest leading to better sleep patterns.
  2. Family Bonding:

    Bedtime routines that involve screen-free activities, such as reading stories together or having quiet conversations, provide valuable opportunities for family bonding. These shared person to person experiences create a sense of connection and security for your children which supports emotional intelligence growth.
  3. Sleep Hygiene:

    Replacing the stimulation of bright colours and exciting sounds of screen time with calming activities like reading, storytelling, or listening to soft music, develops emotional regulation that support children falling asleep peacefully.
  4. Reduces Evening Stress:

    Exposure to screens, particularly to stimulating content or social media, can increase anxiety and brain engagement levels, which make it harder for them to relax before bed. Eliminating screens from bedtime routines, provides opportunity to unwind and engage in low energy activities that promote relaxation as they prepare for sleep.
  5. Enhances Cognitive Function:

    Quality sleep is essential for children's cognitive development and academic performance. Removing screens from bedrooms and the bedtime routine encourages restorative sleep, which is crucial for memory consolidation, problem-solving skills, and overall cognitive function.
  6. Establishes Healthy Habits:

    Teaching children the importance of disconnecting from screens before bed instils lifelong habits that promote overall health and well-being. By prioritizing screen-free activities in their bedtime routine, children learn to value sleep, experience self-care, and develop a healthy balance between screen time and other important activities.
  7. Reduces Risk of Sleep Problems:

    Excessive screen time before bed has been linked to an increased risk of sleep problems in children, such as insomnia, bedtime resistance, and daytime sleepiness. By setting limits on screen time and promoting screen-free bedrooms and bedtime routines, parents can help prevent or mitigate many sleep-related issues.