Sports Updates

Sports Updates Monday, 23 May 2022

Good Job, FIAS Dads!

Some of our FIAS Dads were in full coaching mode at the Freddie's Netball games...

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Sports Updates Monday, 23 May 2022

FIAS Equestrian Success

Over the April holidays, Year 12 students Chloe Gee and Lucy Luscombe and Year 7...

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Sports Updates Monday, 23 May 2022

Welcome to Secondary Sport!

Welcome to Secondary Sport at our beautiful Meadow Springs Campus.  Here’s a glimpse into some...

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Sports Updates Monday, 11 Apr 2022

Frederick Irwin After School Golf

The Frederick Irwin After School Golf Programme will return in Term 2, beginning in Week...

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Sports Updates Monday, 11 Apr 2022

Summer Sports Wrap Up!

Summer basketball has wrapped up for the season.  Thank you to all our awesome Coaches...

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Sports Updates Wednesday, 09 Sept 2020

ACC Champions - Senior Girls'...

The girls played an amazing game, competing against the Kingsway team and the 200 plus...

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Sports Updates Tuesday, 25 Aug 2020

School Sport Hockey – David...

The team played five games against very strong competition including a specialist hockey school. Although...

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