Time Capsule 2021

School News Monday, 17 Jan 2022

As the 30th Anniversary of Frederick Irwin Anglican School draws to a close, it was important to leave a reminder of this period for the students and staff when we celebrate our 50th Anniversary. 

On Friday 3 December, our Principal Ms Kerry Robertson along with Deputy Head of Primary Mrs Sue Kirke and two of our Halls Head House Captains Elliot Major and Emily Forsythe buried our 2021 Time Capsule.  Reverend James blessed the Time Capsule before it was buried in the garden near the Year 7 Transition Centre. 

Items in the capsule included the 2020 Year Book, a December edition of the Mandurah Mail newspaper, photographs of students and a USB, in the hope they will still have a USB reader in 2041! A plaque will be placed in the garden to remind people of this important part of history. 

Thank you to everyone who took part and we look forward to digging this up as part of our 50 Year Celebrations!