Primary School

Primary School Monday, 18 July 2022

Year 4 and Pre-Primary Students

On Friday 24 June, the students of 4M1 went down to Pre-Primary and spent some...

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Primary School Monday, 18 July 2022

Year 5 Art ERP Expo

Year 5 had their ERP Expo in Term 2, but this time it was an...

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Primary School Monday, 27 June 2022

Halls Head Year 6 Animal...

The Year 6 Halls Head students have been working hard on their animal adaptations as...

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Primary School Thursday, 23 June 2022

Cross Country - Halls Head...

On Tuesday 7 and Wednesday 8 June, Meadow Springs and Halls Head Primary campuses held...

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Primary School Tuesday, 21 June 2022

Cluedunnit Kids 2022

Congratulations to the Year 5 Team ‘JJAX CSI Society’ who, along with four other Frederick...

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Primary School Thursday, 16 June 2022

Year 5 Students' Reading Project

Year 5 students at Meadow Springs have been studying the book 'Wonder'. As part of...

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Primary School Thursday, 09 June 2022

Year 3 Student Finishes His...

Year 3 had some very exciting news shared with them on Friday last week as...

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Primary School Monday, 23 May 2022

Year 4 Experiences

Year 4 students in Mrs Dearlove and Mrs Lucas' classes have had a lot of...

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Primary School Monday, 23 May 2022

Bush School at Halls Head...

As part of the wonderful Halls Head Campus, the students have access to their own...

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