Primary School

Primary School Monday, 16 May 2022

Guppy Babies at Halls Head...

In KH1 last term, they introduced Sushi and Dora, two guppies, to the science and...

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Primary School Monday, 11 Apr 2022

Japanese at Halls Head

The students have had a lot of fun in Japanese this year.  In February they...

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Primary School Tuesday, 05 Apr 2022

PH1’s Video For Mrs Tracey...

PH1 created a very cute video for Mrs Tracey Gray yesterday, after they had watched...

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Primary School Tuesday, 05 Apr 2022

Principal Mrs Tracey Gray Reading...

Last week, the Kindergarten students had a visit from our Principal, Mrs Tracey Gray, which...

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Primary School Friday, 18 Mar 2022

Story Dogs - Halls Head...

Story Dogs spend time with the Halls Head Year 2 students every Thursday after lunch....

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Primary School Tuesday, 08 Mar 2022

House Captains Commissioning

On Wednesday 16 and Friday 18 February, the Halls Head and Meadow Springs campuses held...

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Primary School Monday, 07 Feb 2022

Year 6 Leaders - Lunchtime...

It was wonderful to see our Year 6 student leaders at Halls Head campus proactively...

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Primary School Monday, 17 Jan 2022

Years 3 to 6 Expo

On Wednesday 1 December, the Years 3 to 6 had their Expo Afternoon at both...

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Primary School Sunday, 13 Oct 2019

Grandparent's Day - Meadow Springs...

Year 1 students enjoyed having their Grandparents visit for Term 3's Grandparent's Day! Families enjoyed...

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